Monday, August 17, 2009

Five Things I Learned in Washington, D.C.

My favorite photo from the summer. The US Capitol. My first night in D.C.

I wrote the following for my internship adviser at MCLA, mainly because I didn't want to write the typical three to five page essay.

1) Money really can't buy happiness.

Look up “internship” in the dictionary. (No, you really don’t need to. I did it for you.) Technically, an internship is “any official or formal program to provide practical experience for beginners in an occupation or profession.” What this definition fails to mention is that, if you get a really good internship, you will work for free in an expensive city. Between Metro fares, food, COFFEE, social activities and everything in between, I returned to Massachusetts dead broke.

Luckily, money isn’t what dictates happiness. Inevitably, it will only get you so far; a positive outlook and a desire to have fun are ultimately what makes any person happy. Also key? Great friends.

I am a firm believer that people walk into your life for a reason. In the 10 weeks I spent in D.C., I formed incredibly close friendships that I believe will be life-long. Aside from having fun, these friends taught me to live life in a new way.

Leilani, a fiery little Cuban from Miami, is one of the most genuine people I’ve come across yet in life, and taught me how to live in the moment and be proud of the person I am- flaws and all. Molly, wild, care-free and from Minnesota, taught me to let my hair down, and stop caring about what other people think. Amanda, all the way from Arkansas, would give anyone the shirt off her back, and taught me that if you care enough, differences don’t matter in friendships.

Together, these ladies helped me learn about trust, the true power of friendship, and helped me to reflect on who I was. I learned not to settle for less, that it’s OK to put your own needs first, and that letting down your guard is often a safer bet than putting one up.

2) Site-seeing is free.

I’m about to break some news to you. Make sure you’re seated, as this may shock you. Ready? OK, here goes: The United States of America is going through a recession. I KNOW!!! You had no idea, right? Well, we are, and as much as that wonderful man in the big white house on Pennsylvania Avenue is doing to correct the situation, problems don’t go away overnight.

With that said, D.C. understands those of us with empty-wallet syndrome; the District is sympathetic, even. Ninety percent of the sites and museums in Washington are free. Now, that does not mean that you don’t need to a) get there early, b) wait in line and/or c) reserve tickets. However, it does mean that there is no excuse not to visit every free site, monument and museum in the District.

On the same subject, D.C. does a lot for its residents in the “free” department, especially during the summer. Every Monday night, a giant movie screen is blown up on the National Mall for “Screen on the Green.” It’s totally free; all you have to do is show up. On Fridays after work, there is Jazz in the Sculpture Garden; again, show up, preferably early, and you’re golden.

Tons of other free and cheap events are hosted all throughout the city; simply seek them out. My suggestion? Sign-up for e-newsletters from The Washingtonian Magazine. Also, read The Washington Post’s Express for the Express Night Out.

3) Happy hour does in fact exist, and with good reason.

I turned 21 on June 14, 2009, in the fine (and by fine, I mean intern-infested and incredibly wild, at least from Thursday through Saturday, between the hours of approximately 8 p.m. and 3:30 a.m.) district of Adams Morgan, known for its variety of bars. Prior to my arrival in D.C. and acceptance into the 21 Club, I believed that Happy Hour was merely a myth. Contrary to popular (or just Kaitlyn’s) belief though, Happy Hours exist at every bar in the District of Columbia, and with a very good पुर्पोसे. Obviously, this place is crawling with career-driven people। Office-life is only one facet, and Happy Hours allow employees to de-stress, lighten up and interact with one another in a professional, yet entirely social atmosphere (and at a discounted price- great!) In order to climb the career-ladder, it is important to connect with the higher-ups in an out-of-office manner. As my older brother told me, “If I can’t have a drink with a co-worker, I can’t trust them.”

Not to mention, after a drink or two with the office after work, there’s always the Metro! Reason number one Happy Hours don’t exist in Massachusetts and other states are because, surprise! Drunk driving isn’t cool or smart. In D.C., though, you can simply hop on the Metro and let someone else take the wheel. BUENO.

4) Twittering actually serves a purpose.

“kbonnebonne: twitter's kind of weird, but i'm sure i'll get the hang of it. 2:35 PM, Jul 2nd 2009, from web.”

And thus it began. I first heard of in the spring, and thought it was utterly ridiculous. Who wanted to know what I was doing every 10 minutes? “Kaitlyn is in aisle five at the grocery store.” Five minutes later… “Kaitlyn is at check-out.” Who cares?

On Fourth of July weekend, though, I finally realized its true purpose. Sarah Palin announced her decision to resign, and within minutes, my brother received news of it via the Twitter application on his iPhone. Minutes later, he received a notification from Twitter saying that Tennessee Titans quarterback Steve McNair had been found dead in his home. I was then finally convinced of its usefulness.

Twitter’s true purpose is not to update the World Wide Web on one’s actions every four to five minutes (hate to break it to you, but no one genuinely cares what you ate for breakfast), but to receive up-to-date news, in less 160 characters or less. Have a BlackBerry or iPhone? Even better, because these little news blurbs come immediately to your phone, informing you of details as minute as an accident on The Beltway, or, like my brother, as breaking as Sarah Palin’s decision to resign.

5) D.C. is not purely political.

Seeing as Washington, D.C. is the Capitol of the U.S., it is would be easy for one to assume that the city is all politics, and thus one needs to be seriously educated on the topic. This, however, is not entirely the case. While politics are certainly important, they are not all-encompassing. For example, my interest in politics was growing when I first arrived in D.C., but in the grand scheme of things, I knew very little. However, this proved to be no problem, as long as I kept up with current events.

What really makes D.C. tick is news. I am convinced that it is actually impossible to travel more than 10 feet in Washington without seeing someone nose-deep in The Washington Post, or checking on their cell phone. In order to survive in Washington, you need to be up-to-date। Not only does this ensure your world-wide knowledge and build intellectuality, it ensures that you always have a conversation topic. In D.C., people are far friendly than us “Massholes,” as we have been dubbed. It is essential to always have a few little golden nuggets of conversation starters, just in case someone stops to chit-chat on the Metro.

Ultimately, this was the most educational, eye-opening experience of my life. I learned so much about communications and myself, and have gotten a jump-start down that (not-so) scary road called “Real Life.”

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Important life lessons

So, I am waiting to post my big blog about the summer. However, right before I left the wonderful D.C. on Friday, Leilani (check out her blog!) handed me a letter. After some of the most heart-felt words anyone has ever written me, she shared with a very insightful quote that I must pass on. (Note: I said quote. Meaning I did not write this, and neither did Leilani.)

I strongly suggest you read the entire thing. (Another note: I have seen this online as being titled "The Story of Life.")

"Sometimes, people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be, but when you lock eyes with them, you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way.

Sometimes, things happen to you at a time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection, you realize that without overcoming those obstacles, you would never have realized your potential, strength, will-power or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance, or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them, because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whomever you do open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love, and to open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up, because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, because if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create your own life, and then go out and get it and LIVE IT."
- Author Unknown

I learned a lot while in Washington. I learned about journalism, about politics, about the world. Most importantly, though, I learned about myself. I discovered who I was, what I wanted and where I am going. Out of everything that D.C. taught me, this quote sums up the most important lessons that I have learned.

I hope it teaches you something, too.