Monday, July 27, 2009

A new start....


I've wanted to start a blog for awhile, but I feel like I need a theme. I don't just want to sit here and ramble away about nothing in particular. But that may be what happens in this first post...

For the past eight weeks, I've been interning with The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars in Washington, D.C. I'm the Web Publications and Content Management Intern at a non-profit, Pulmonary Hypertension Association. I just had to write a letter to my academic adviser back at my school, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, explaining my experience and why it deserves academic credit. (Oh, I don't know. Because I have busted my ass, learned so much about journalism/the world/MYSELF??? Bueno.)

Going through my personal, professional, academic and civic goals really nailed down life in a solid, measurable way. Initially, I had to create this outline of goals for the summer. I won't lie, I bullshitted the entire thing. But looking back on it, I have exceeded each and every goal. It makes me wonder, what if everyone outlined spans of time in that format? As in, these are my goals, whether they are, "I will brew my coffee at home each morning instead of buying Starbucks in order to save money," (Yes, this was a personal goal, and yes, I stuck to it,) or "I will pay off 50% of my credit card bill by 2010."

Last semester, I used to create a list of weekly goals, and crossing each one off was so rewarding. I usually tried to mix in the fun goals with the serious, such as "Run 10 miles this week," "Finish research paper early," and "Bake a cake." Nine times out of ten, I would complete the tough but healthy stuff first, and would have run 10 miles by Tuesday. My papers were rarely in early, but always on time, and half the time "bake a cake" or "paint my nails" would be on the list three weeks in a row.

This summer, though, I have learned that getting fun activities in is sometimes just as or more important that the hard work. So, when visiting the Smithsonian National Zoo was on my to-do list for three weeks in a row, I finally just grabbed my friends and marched my butt down there to see some Giant Pandas. You only live once; there's no point in putting things off.

My to-do list for August, once I depart D.C. and return to Massachusetts? Go site-seeing in Boston with my family, since I haven't done it since I was little. Spend as much time with my family and friends before I return to MCLA. Keep doing exciting and interesting things, like I've been doing in D.C. Nothing too difficult, right?


  1. Stick with this Kaite. I hate you, but you've definitely got a talent for writing. Almost as good as me! But seriously, you write like you speak, and that is a talent that not many have.

    I plan on keeping tabs. We can co-author a book someday. Bueno.


  2. FINALLY! Miss Katie brings her coffee love to the people of BlogSpot! But the best thing about you being here is that it gives me something to do when I'm at work being bored!

    Yeah, yeeeeeeah!

  3. First off, love the title and picture.

    I love everything you wrote here! It's so true...I guess I should make goals for China before I leave. You nailed it with "we only live once; there's no point in putting things off." I had a similar learning experience as you when I studied in Ecuador for a month last summer. I ended up going as many places as I could during breaks, at night, and on weekends. My friends there actually had to convince me to take a non-school related trip with them because I thought I should stay with my 'house family' for a weekend. All one of them had to do was say "when will you be here again?" and I joined them. That weekend trip was easily the best time I had in Ecuador and one of my favorite weekends ever!

    Sadly, I think I forgot this "do everything you can while you can" philosophy sometimes but hope to stick to it again. Being lazy can feel good, but going for your goals is so much better! (let's throw this reminder at each other every once in a while if need be!)

    Can you tell I enjoy talking about myself? Wow, my comment is almost as long as your post!
