Sunday, April 11, 2010

The poor college student's miniature guide to survival

I have been a poor college student for far too long. More-over, I spent the first eight months of this academic year as a poor college student doubling as a poor intern, living for four of those months in a major U.S. city, and have thus spent the rest of my time recovering from said internships. Needless to say, I've learned a bit about budgeting when you haven't got much to budget with. Being a poor college student is hard, but is completely do-able if you follow a few golden rules.

1) Ask for hand-outs whenever, wherever.

People are usually willing to help you out, provided you explain your circumstances to them. “Mommmm… I can’t afford my cell phone last month/this month/next month/probably the rest of the year because I am a poor college student and have to pay rent and buy groceries. However, I am made Dean’s List/was inducted into XYZ Honors Society/just volunteered with XYZ community service group/am doing some other wonderful thing that college students group.”

Also, don’t be afraid to get creative! Just last week I made a deal with the bartender at the local bar. I pulled out a quarter and told him, “Heads, I get a drink. Tails, I wash the bar down after last call.” He agreed, and I walked away with a rum and coke.

When people do actually cut you a break, thank them! Profusely.

2) Never, ever, ever restrict your groceries.
Seriously! This is an easy concept for poor college students to forget, but it can be so detrimental. I always put buying food as the last thing on my list, and wind up living off of rice for one week out of every month. Needless to say, that is the week that I feel the most exhausted, do the worst in my classes, and accomplish little to nothing. Clip coupons, get those irritating little key tags from the supermarket that save a bundle of money, and go to the cheapest supermarket around. And eat healthy! Even though ramen and hot dogs are practically free, they don’t do much on the performance level. Make a shopping list ahead of time and then splurge a bit on healthy food. I guarantee you will notice a better GPA.

3) Pool your resources.
Just last week, I figured out that I had to attend seven formal functions before graduation. Being a poor college student, I obviously can’t afford to buy that many dresses. (And just because I am poor doesn’t mean I lack a sense of fashion, so therefore I obviously refuse to wear the same dress twice.) However, I am in a sorority. And, on top of that, I am in COLLEGE. Meaning I am surrounded by dozens of other girls who are the same age and size as me. Therefore, I reach out to my fellow fashion-focused females, and enlist in their help in the form of closets. I dip into their wardrobe, add a bit of my own style, and voila! My own unique look.

This rule doesn’t necessarily apply for just clothing. Text books, beers, notes for a class you’ve only attended three times and now it’s the end of the semester. It doesn’t matter.

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